Do you ever get the adventure blues?

I’ve been so busy lately I’ve barely had any time to think about my next adventure never mind actually have one! I feel lately I have lost sight of what I originally set out to do, and have become so embroiled in the mechanics and technicalities of the business, and all the daily necessities, I forget to look at the bigger picture, and why I set up the business in the first place.

I absolutely love adventure – anything and everything that’s a little bit different, a little bit challenging and a lot of fun. That’s why I set up Desperately Seeking Adventure, not only so I could experience more of what I love doing on a daily basis but also so I could help other women to be able to experience adventure also, to be able to do something different, feel a sense of achievement and have lots of fun on the way.

The thing is, I got so caught up in trying to achieve my dreams, I forgot to live them on the way! But the other day I had a wake up call – something made me stop and look at myself, and the feelings of anxiety and stress I’ve been experiencing lately. I started reading the Law of Attraction and how if we are constantly worrying, thinking negative thoughts and getting worked up about even the smallest things, then we are actually attracting more of the same. And do you know what? It actually started to make sense to me – I’m a naturally easy going, relatively stress free person but lately I’ve been allowing myself to get highly stressed out about things that aren’t even important to me, material things, and the more stressed I got, the more stress I attracted!

So I’ve made a promise to myself to relax like I used to, remember what’s important to me, and not to stress about the little things. Oh, and also to have lots of adventures! After all, as the Dalai Lama says, “the purpose of our lives is to be happy”!




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